Wednesday, March 17, 2010

To be or Not to Be Vaccinated?

This is a pending concern for my unborn child. Its also a very controversial topic with other moms and doctors. Obviously I want to protect my child from harm, but I also don't want to poison them from making poor choices. I have a great friend who is super educated and is always very helpful to make sure I know the latest news and what is available as far as choices in vaccinations. 

I'm curious to how other moms feel about this. Feel free to respond to this topic. I really would like some feedback.

I feel as a mother I need to really research what is best in this ever changing world for my child.

Here is a link for Texas:

Check this out
Aluminum in infants is toxic between 1-20 micrograms. Check out the childhood vaccine schedule of shots reported by Neil Miller, just showing the approximate aluminum levels a child will get in vaccines by 18 months old: o Hep B 250 micrograms given 3 timeso DTaP 625 micrograms given 4 timeso Hib 225 micrograms given 3 timeso PCV 125 micrograms given 4 timeso HepA 250 micrograms given 2 timeso Grand Total = 4,925 micrograms This does not include the Gardasil Cervical Cancer Vaccine which contains 225 micrograms of aluminum or the flu vaccines which also contain aluminum.

1 comment:

  1. My childbirth class instructor (midwife and delivery RN who is pro-natural birth) gave me great advice. She said the vaccines do offer protection that make them worth it. There have been a plethora of studies done and the benefits outweigh the risk for most vaccines. She cited the recent breakouts of pertussis. I think Milo will be vaccinated, but I am going to delay his vaccines until his systems are more mature. Hope that helps!
