I'm curious to how other moms feel about this. Feel free to respond to this topic. I really would like some feedback.
I feel as a mother I need to really research what is best in this ever changing world for my child.
Here is a link for Texas:
Check this out
Aluminum in infants is toxic between 1-20 micrograms. Check out the childhood vaccine schedule of shots reported by Neil Miller, www.thinktwice.com just showing the approximate aluminum levels a child will get in vaccines by 18 months old: o Hep B 250 micrograms given 3 timeso DTaP 625 micrograms given 4 timeso Hib 225 micrograms given 3 timeso PCV 125 micrograms given 4 timeso HepA 250 micrograms given 2 timeso Grand Total = 4,925 micrograms This does not include the Gardasil Cervical Cancer Vaccine which contains 225 micrograms of aluminum or the flu vaccines which also contain aluminum.
My childbirth class instructor (midwife and delivery RN who is pro-natural birth) gave me great advice. She said the vaccines do offer protection that make them worth it. There have been a plethora of studies done and the benefits outweigh the risk for most vaccines. She cited the recent breakouts of pertussis. I think Milo will be vaccinated, but I am going to delay his vaccines until his systems are more mature. Hope that helps!