Friday, October 22, 2010

The World Welcome Trace Liam Bourgeois

The love of my life has arrived.

It has been hard to get to this blog lately. Sorry the videos are short and to the point, but baby calls!

We are happier and healthier than ever. So ever grateful for everyone's support and help. He's just simply perfect and the best addition to my life yet.

Enjoy..... :)))))))

Trace Liam Bourgeois
8lbs 5oz
20 1/2 in 
OCT 14, 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010

Start the Countdown!


It's finally here! A due date! My dr went ahead and scheduled a date for us to meet our little bundle of joy. Yipee! We are super happy to have an end in sight. Although, I really wanted the traditional labor--water breakage, hurry to hospital, and all that jazz. I guess I'm not meant to do that.

Trace is just snuggly and comfy in there and doesn't want to come out yet. I guess I don't blame him.

This will be my final video before I have him ( i think )

I go in at 6am that morning and will be sure to let you all know whats up and when he arrives.
Say some prayers as I don't prefer pain or hospitals. I can only think of how amazing he's going to be to get me through the needles and pain.

OMG--I'm going to have a real baby. wowza


Video of me in the cart at walmart....thanks jeff!



Saturday, October 9, 2010

Very Informative Article

Whether you agree or disagree--its always wise to be well educated before you speak.
I'm not going to say 100% of this is fool proof, but it does make you think.

I encourage all parents, soon to be parents and people who want to know what the heck they are talking about to check this article out.

It's not  a sit down article. It's more like a short book. Take your time and visit it and reference it.

Knowledge is Power..

BTW, 9 more days till Trace is here :)

What are we putting in our generation??

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Parent View on Vaccination Trips to Pediatrician

:) Interesting.
I know we're getting a lot of flack about our decisions for baby Trace, but it really is something we are highly researching. We will never put our baby in harms way and I think this education has empowered me to think PRO-health on this child. I know there are tons of things to help this baby be well and healthy without shooting him up with poisons.

This parent article put a reality bug in my ear. I know we have an amazing pediatrician, but its still good to know what to expect.

Opinions are flying, but knowing all sides of the story are always better than being close minded.

happy day!,



Be Prepared Article

Monday, October 4, 2010


They say you stall the last few weeks in gaining...the baby gains...and you start to settle.
I don't know if I believe that!

Here is a little bit of the last documentation of my changing body before the hospital. :)

I think you can see why walking, sleeping, and eating are almost impossible now.

I'm ready to meet my sweet boy.


Sunday, October 3, 2010

This is why I am opposed to vaccinations

Who in their right mind would fill their brand new baby with this trash.

Count me OUT.

Vaccination Cocktail

Wednesday, September 29, 2010